Meet Dee!

Dee’s mantra is keeping a positive mindset and finding gratitude on life’s journey!

How to find your mission self value and worth in today’s world through self discovery and self awareness.

Dee’s mantra is keeping a positive mindset and finding gratitude on life’s journey!

With many ups an downs in life Dee has learned the way to move forward in happiness is by keeping a positive mindset, shifting internal perspectives and taking responsibility and control of your life. Her mission to help individuals cultivate lasting change in their health and gain their desired level overall wellness by developing self confidence through removing self doubts and limiting beliefs. She focuses on internal changes that lead to external results.

She aids individuals in self discovery through finding their self value, self worth and become more self aware so they can show up as their highest self. Dee has been one of many trades with life experience in different careers and family life situations ranging from motherhood, blended family dynamics, a degree in science, to working in construction, tire stores, software sales, teaching HIIT classes & doing one on one training, to many other jobs in various retail over the years and has been compiling all these life experiences to teach others about her true passion- how to find your mission self value and worth in today world through self discovery and self awareness. Her goal is to help others in her coaching program become self aware and intuitive by understanding their mind, emotions and body to work through life situations! She focuses on helping them find direction in their interests and assists in helping others live more intentional, happy, healthy and balanced lives overall!


Are you ready to Xpand your life?

If you here you are searching for a solution and ready to take the action.

in hiring a coach, should you really apply yourself and really focus on finding yourself and solutions to multiple life aspects. By hiring Dee as your coach you will get the tools and resources to thrive and really be able to start xpanding your life!

Start XPANDing your life.

Dee’s mantra is keeping a positive mindset and finding gratitude on life’s journey!

All rights reserved 2023

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